Post #7: 5 Second Rule

I honestly admit that the picture came from Wikipedia, but don't criticize me for that. The 5 second rule, the "rule" that kids love because they can still eat the food that has been dropped on the ground. Amazingly, there is a Wikipedia page about this very superstition. If you have ever been a kid or you still are a kid, this rule would have been common. It is widely believed, but is it true? The answer is but of course, no. If you watch Mythbusters, they prove it on this episode, that this is absolutely false. Will people still follow it? Yes. It is weird how people ignore the truth and just do it because they don't want to waste.

As a side note, there was a blog that I have discovered while surfing the internet which is ironically called "5 second rule". It is a food blog, so if you are interested, or you have some free time, feel free to visit it.


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