Post #1: Self Introductions

I have realized that you do not know me that well so my first interest will be for self introductions. Obviously since this is the internet, I am not going to disclose everything about me, but there are some things that can be shared. I have come to a conclusion that through these 365 that I am going to make, there will be many opportunities to find out more about me. Therefore, I am not going to say much right now and leave the rest up to your imagination.
To start off, I am a female Chinese-Canadian and  I love to use the computer. That is all.
Is it too little? I don't think that it is too little because it is more than what you know already. If you introduce yourself in an interesting way and not in the way I did it, people will gain interest.
Look forward to my next post (it is going to be more interesting than the first)!


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