I have an idea!

  I've been thinking about my 365 challenge and it came to me that I'm interested about one thing for a pretty long period of time. This makes finding something new everyday extremely difficult. It may not even be something of interest rather than something that just came to my mind. Therefore, this has gotten me into thinking about whether or not I should have some theme to what I'm posting.
   It has to be something that I think about almost 24/7 so I came to a conclusion that I should blog about food. I know there are many food blogs out there and I cannot fathom the extent of the knowledge that those blog owners have, but I'm just going to post about food I'm interested in, so that won't be too bad. I might give up on this idea later on, but I might as well have a theme right now than never.
  I might make this a monthly thing. I'll post about food for the month of January then come up with something new in February. There's n o use in brainstorming now so I'm going to think up a new thing to post when the time comes.


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