Happy New Year

Happy New Year! It's finally 2013. I wasn't watching the count down so the fact that it was 2013 blew past me. The above is a picture of fireworks in Japan. Just to be clear on things, I may post a lot of Japanese related things, but I am definitely not Japanese. Aside from that random confirmation, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I may see formal, but I am not; therefore, just because it is the New Year, I want to be informal for once on my blog posts. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

As a side note, on my first blog post, I stated that I would start a 365 day challenge for myself and that it would need me to post everyday. I think during the few months before this year, I have figured out something that is possible for a lazy person like me.

I am going to continue what I am doing now. I know that does not seem much like a goal, but it is actually quite difficult for me. It requires me to be interested in something different every single day. I will probably learn something new, but if I will ABSOLUTELY not miss a day. If I do then I will feel like it's the end of the world because I would have to start all over again in 2014. I do not think I would be able to post everyday in 2014 because of the Winter Olympics, but I won't have to if I succeed in posting everyday for 2013.

This is my first post of 2013 (but it does not count for my 365 posts because it does not have any interests stated in it)! Have an awesome 2013.

*NOTE: There will be some additional posts that are not part of the 365 day challenge. The posts which are for the 365 challenge will be labeled.


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