New Food Revelation

It has come to my attention that people I associate wish to find this blog. If I know you, and you are reading this now, please go to another website like The Useless Web. Anywhere but here is good enough for me. Anyways, the main purpose of this post is to talk about this food combination that I recently discovered. I was making a microwaveable banana cake when I realized that the smell of bananas subtly reminds me of the smell of coffee. I had this sudden epiphany and without batting an eyelash, I added some instant espresso powder into the batter. The recipe said that I needed to microwave it for 3 minutes, but my microwave has a higher wattage than others, so I was wary of the cooking time. In the end, my experiment failed because I didn't cook it long enough. Despite the horrible texture, the taste was actually quite nice. They compliment each other quite nicely even though my proportions were a bit off.

If you are appalled at my "experiments", I regret to inform you that I do this quite often. All of these experiments are a spur of the moment thing, and some combinations have stimulated my gag reflex. It is quite boring if everything you eat tastes exactly like what you expect it would be like. By the way, you should NOT dip garlic bread in apple juice. The taste is so revolting, it made my toes curl. It may be acceptable for other people, but personally, I can not stand it.

I may not be the first person who thought of banana plus coffee, but it was a personal discovery that I am satisfied with.


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