I'm back~

Gosh, I haven't posted anything in 6 days. This is not good. I think that I may have temporarily been too busy with my own activities in life to find time to manage my blog. This is a very busy time for students as many of you may know and I think that there is one thing most of us skip. When people are busy, naturally, they would skip a couple meals. In the morning, if you are going to be late, you aren't going to sit down and eat a wholesome breakfast because you need to get to the place you need to get to as fast as possible. This is a very unhealthy practice, and it may lead to dangerous habits. I recommend that at the end of a busy week or schedule, do something productive and entertaining. Cooking could be something that could relieve stress, the cake choose above looks delicious, doesn't it? The satisfaction that you made it yourself can make you smile. Obviously, I didn't what is in the picture above, but you could always try different, simpler recipes.


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