Following New Year's Resolutions

I'm not against New Year's Resolutions or anything, I like them a lot and it becomes a goal for the new year. It's just that everyone never follows through their resolution. Things start reverting back to how it was the year before. I acknowledge that this is a known fact; however, I think that I am someone who follows their resolutions to some extent. I lack motivation and perseverance, but I manage anyways. For people who are like me, I have some tips for the lazy and forgetful.

1. Make it simple.

  •  I'm not saying to make it easy, but if it is simpler, people tend to remember it easier.

2. Make it easy to remember.

  •  If you frequently realize that you need to change something throughout the year, you will often be able to refer to your resolutions more easily. We learn from our mistakes. For example: "I want to spend less money". After buying something, people usually think about the amount spent, but it might seem like too small an amount to be significant. However, the amount accumulates and you are left broke (theoretically). Then you will make what I call a "temporary resolution" because you decide out of the blue to spend less, but as time goes by, you forget. In conclusion, this will keep happening, but sooner or later that resolution is going to stick. 
3. Think pessimistically 
  • Every time you are about to do something that goes against your resolution, think about the repercussions. The realistic ones will not scare you enough, so think up the worst possible result. People with good imaginations will excel at this. This fear will cause you to follow your resolution. 
I am not an expert, and this is just what I do, but hope somebody had some use of this. 


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