Blogging Tips and Secrets about Introverts

Awkward Opinion

I'm not putting down these rules, but I think some are irrelevant to me. It states that blogs need to be consistent, but this blog is just about random things I'm interested in so I think the main focus is a new topic everyday. It also states that there should be paragraphs; however, I don't write a lot because I find pictures tell more of a story than if I type like 500 words.

There are many introverts in the world, and there are many stereotypes about them as well. I consider myself an introvert (even though you may not). Introverts actually have a lot to say, but decide that it isn't worth their while.Some of them are very talented in creative writing, and many of them were geniuses. I stumbled across a website about the 10 myths about introverts and I found that some of their points were very true. It is kind of interesting to read a piece of text and be immersed in it because of the fact that you possibly would agree with everything that it is talking about. The website is here, and whether you are an introvert or not, this might provide some amusement in your aimless web surfing.

Note - The picture above was not meant to offend anyone


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