Post #38: Memorable Music

  You know when you listen to a new song, and you immediately fall in love with it. Afterwards, you forget all about the song, and the tune completely fades from your mind. Those songs may be a hit at first, but they aren't really memorable. The truly memorable songs, hated or loved, are the songs that stick with you forever. I tend to prefer older songs better than the newer mainstream stuff that they release nowadays. It is just a personal preference, so don't think I dislike the music they make presently.

  The song I am going to recommend to you is something that remained in my mind even after 2 years. Whenever the song name is said, I recall the melody immediately. The MV may not be for everyone so I included a video that only has the audio.

Here is the one that only contains audio:

P.S. I really enjoy the guitar at the end so please listen to the end if you are interested.


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