Post #35: Photogram

  I feel so behind in posts. You must think I am very irresponsible and lazy. I won't lie to you, I am. I do have  a sense of guilt though, so I will work hard to complete my quota. I found out about photograms some time ago, and I realized how many things about photography I never knew about. These pictures are the result of placing things on top of light-sensitive photographic paper and exposing it to light. Confusing. Right?
  To explain it more in depth, the light-sensitive paper chemically reacts with light, so when exposed to light and put into developer chemicals, it will turn black on the places where it was exposed to light. If for say, you place something that blocks the light from reaching the paper, then when it is placed in the chemical, it will remain white.
  If some one owns a dark room, this would be fun to experiment with.


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