Post #34: Psychological States

  I am really sorry that I reblog so inconsistently, and I really hope in the future, my motivation to blog will be stronger. Okay, for starters, three of four days ago, I was reading this article and I found this article which I think many people can relate to. On the article it lists, 10 psychological states that we may have never heard of. I will list some of the states here, but you will have to visit the website for the full list and more information.

 Dysphoria - state of sadness that includes restlessness, lack of energy, anxiety, and vague irritation

Normopathy - focused on blending in and conforming to social norms that it becomes a kind of mania

 Abjection - what you are feeling when you witness or experience something so horrific that it causes you to throw up

 Repetition compulsion - urge to do something again and again

Compersion -  describes the opposite of feeling jealous when your partner dates somebody else

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