Post #23: Fatigue Fighting Snacks

I am sorry that I wasn't able to post earlier, but I have been extremely busy over the past few days. I have been working my butt off, but I think I have enough time to sneak in this post. I am extremely tired so I have been researching ways to stay awake. I came across an article that state 9 foods that fight fatigue. I was kind of desperate, so I clicked on the link, and I liked what I saw. Usually people resort to caffeine as way to stay awake, but as many of you know, too much caffeine is unhealthy. What stood out to me was yogurt because I have never tried to eat yogurt in order to fight fatigue. I don't have this habit because I know that yogurt is a dairy product and I have always thought that it would make you more sleepy. Maybe I was wrong, but I don't think I'm going to eat yogurt when I'm tired. Its a really good snack though.


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