Post #43: Change

I have been negligent and irresponsible so I'm sorry about that for starters. I realize change happens even to me. Without me realizing, I've changed dramatically, for better and for the worst. At the end of this post I will announce something.

1. Socially awkward to semi outgoing
I am still socially awkward now but it's easier to express myself in front of others I guess.

2. Bookworm to drama addict
This isn't really a good thing because I think my vocabulary bank is decreasing.

3. Bored to interesting
Many new interests for me.

I think I have others but this is it for me. What I have realized is that I am concerned with pictures a lot. I can keep up to date with my other social networks, but this has always been so difficult. If I were to talk about something I enjoy. That would be photography. I think I will go with my original plan that I set up in 2012 and just post pictures. Sorry for any inconvenience.


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