My Latest Obsession: A Quotation By C.S. Lewis

Bonjour! Hello! This is completely unrelated to what I'm going to talk about, but don't you think "hello" is such an awkward way to greet someone? Maybe the times have changed, or I have changed. Anyways, I love using it because I can put more expression into my voice compared to the one-syllable "hi". You might not understand what I'm saying, and I get that. A lot of people give me weird looks after I go off on some random rant about spaceships or yogurt. 

Finally! Here is my latest obsession: DIY crafts

If you know me, I am a happy-go-lucky young-spirited funky kind of person (too many adjectives?); however, I am not known for doing any DIY projects whatsoever. My reason for liking DIY crafts is simple; it combines my frugality with my obsession with giving awesome gifts to friends. Every time there's a birthday or holiday, I would wrack my brain trying to figure out the perfect gift. But wrack no further because DIY crafts are AWESOME. 

I found this wooden thingamabob on Pinterest, and instantly fell in love. It looks simple to make, and it would make an amazing gift. The quotation speaks to me because C.S. Lewis talks about something so blatantly obvious that had never ever crossed my mind. The sun is not there for viewing (except maybe during sunrises and sunsets), the sun is the foundation of every living thing. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't the sun provide warmth, light, and energy? Without the sun, we would all be dead (you know it and I know it). I know there's heat from the Earth's core, but that's irrelevant. 

My interpretation: The sun illuminates the Earth just like how Jesus provides for us. If you have any thoughts on this quotation, feel free to leave a comment. I would love some input and some more insight. 

Yesterday was the first day of summer, so I would like to wish you a very happy 2nd day of summer.   


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