Post #42: Ennui

I think my reason for the lack of posts is probably this. These days are so listless and boring. It is not because I have nothing to do because trust me, I have my hands full. It feels like nothing sparks my interest enough to posts something. I feel bad whenever I make up some random posts just to keep up with my days. To be more sincere and honest, I guess I try to post things I'm really interested about.

That's the challenge I guess, to find something new to be interested in everyday. I hope I will be able to keep up on my posts soon. This is really not acceptable anymore.

Pushing that aside, today I am finally interested about something. That thing is the word ennui. I always associate this word with French, but it is also an English word. In the simplest term, it means boredom. The feeling of ennui or boredom. When you are really dissatisfied with what you're doing and your brain is in a dull state. I really hate this feeling, but I guess it's life.


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